Saturday, November 21, 2009

Shamonoa Gray Whale

Shamonoa Gray Whale
Shamonoa Gray Whales are very rare and spotted only

on the North Coast of the Indian Ocean. They were
once over hunted in the 1946. There were only about
100 left before Jacobe Shouldrey, a man who made a
special reservation just for Shamonoa Gray Whales.
Soon Shouldrey had 350 whales which he released back
into the Indian Ocean which they live in now. The Shamonoa
Gray Whale often live deep in the water, but if your lucky,
you might see them breaching as in the picture above.
In the top picture you can see a whaling boat and the
tale fin of a Shamonoa Gray Whale.
Please send message to people you think might want to
help save the Shamonoa Gray Whale.
Thank you.

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